
Friday, March 26, 2010

Female athletes vs Male Athletes

Have you ever sat and watched television, and realized that every commercial you seen about basketball, football, baseball, or any sport, were about male athletes? Male athletes are seen on commercials promoting shoes, drinks, sportswear, but not too often do you see a female athlete. Male athletes and the sports they play are the talk of the country. Females however are rarely mentioned. Female representation in sports media should be equal to or more than men’s representation in sports media. Men should no longer dominate the media of sports. The culture we live in is very gender stereotypical, and the media plays an important role as influences to others.

People felt it would be easy to put a quick fix to this problem by getting more women in the industry. The media however has taken over and has given male athletes roles as masculine successful sportsmen, who are way more important than women.When women are too muscular, too aggressive, and too competitive, they’re no longer seen as beautiful in the public’s eye. Men are way more aggressive by nature, which makes them more competitive than female athletes.

We use the media for news and entertainment.. If women aren’t feminine enough society pushes them away, and focuses on other aspects, assuming possibly that the woman is a lesbian. Media has a big influence on this.Sports are an important aspect in our culture. It’s not just going to go away. The only way to make situations effective and fair is to provide women with the same opportunities as the male athletes.

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