
Friday, February 12, 2010

Violent Gaming takes on Positive roles in education

Many critics in the gaming world believe that video games bring violence and harm to our children of the future. While people are constantly looking at the negatives of the gaming world, they aren’t realizing the positivity gaming is bringing in the classrooms. While parents believe it’s acceptable to teach their children to not provoke violence, they’re also teaching them to not live in reality. Video games teaches children, between the ages of 7 and 14, about character development, introduces them to computer and or information technology, and teaches them logic and reasoning. Whether violence is being taught or not, society itself can be dangerous to our children.

I know you’re probably thinking, what does video games has to do with a child’s logic and reasoning? Well, you think about this…what does the basic theme of video games ask children to do? The majority of video games played have some sort of conflict theme, requiring the children to create a solution. Because they have specific tasks to follow, they must follow rules precisely, memorize what is being asked, and memorize what they’ve learned in the early stages of the game to move on to the next level. Many problems we face in life today are strongly based on problem solving and logic and reasoning. Being able to think quickly on their feet, are great test taking skills for children

With increasing advancements of technology today, it’s important for gaming to help educators introduce children to information technology. Computers are in almost every classroom in the American society. Playing these games can lead to fascination with technology, and perhaps lead them in to a great career. They can be anything from writers of comics, to game designers, to even graphic designers. Even those who don’t make careers out of the use of gaming, they now have the knowledge of technology that can be taken even further.

In essence, the gaming world can be summarized as an educational tool, used to facilitate children’s learning abilities. The problem solving themes of gaming doesn’t teach a child to be violent, but to strategize and to use logic and reasoning to help solve these problems. The use of technology is rapidly increasing in the United States today and is an important part of society. Gaming, whether they’re on online games used for computers or game systems, introduces children to information technology. The positive outcomes gaming leaves on children and their education helps me agree with Jones; “I am going to argue that it’s helped hundreds of people for everyone it’s hurt, and that it can help far more if we learn to use it well”

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